Drip Irrigation Conversion Kits

Drip Irrigation Conversion Kits

Drip Irrigation Conversion Kits

These kits allow you to transition off of your manifold to create a Drip Irrigation zone.

There are countless ways to create water source connections but these are the most common methods. Let us assemble them for you.

Available in different sizes: FPT Valve connecting to a MPT Screen-meshed Filter connecting to your choice of Pressure Regulator.


3/4" WS Assembly - 3/4" Drip Irrigation Water Source Assembly

3/4" FPT Solenoid Valve, 3/4" MPT Filter, 3/4" FPT Regulator (Choice of PSI in Product Options)

3/4" WS Assembly


1" VF Assy - Valve Filter Assembly

1" FPT Solenoid Valve, 1" MPT Mesh Screen Filter

1" VF Assy


1" WS Assembly - 1" Drip Irrigation Water Source Assembly

1" FPT Solenoid Valve, 1" MPT Filter, 1" FPT Regulator (Choice of PSI in Product Options)

1" WS Assembly
