Irrigation Direct Canada

Irrigation Direct Canada

Unit 17- 5100 South Service Road, Burlington, Ontario, L7L 6A5, Canada     905-631-9797


Monday - Thursday 9 AM - 3 PM

Fridays 9 AM - 2 PM

Vegetable Garden Drip Watering Kits

Our Vegetable Garden Watering Kits provide everything you need to install an effective watering system for your organic vegetable garden.  Drip Irrigation provides water to the roots of your vegetable garden making it the best choice for watering vegetables of all varieties. 

Please visit our tutorial section for sample design layouts for Vegetable Garden Drip Irrigation Systems

For a complete list of Drip Irrigation Watering Kit instructions click here

  SKU Product Our Price
VEGKIT Vegetable Garden Kit - Waters up to 150 Plants. $CAD199.00
TOM100 TOM100 - 100 Tomato Plants Kit $CAD432.50
RAISED BED A RAISED BED A - Raised Bed Irrigation Kit Using Micro Emitter Tubing 4 Bed Layout $CAD185.00
RAISED BED A PLUS RAISED BED A PLUS - Raised Bed Kit Using Micro Emitter Tubing 4 Bed and 20 Individual Plants Layout $CAD219.00
RAISED BED B RAISED BED B - Raised Bed Kit Using Micro Emitter Tubing 8 Bed Layout $CAD305.00
RAISED BED B PLUS RAISED BED B PLUS - Raised Bed Kit Using Micro Emitter Tubing 8 Bed and 35 Individual Plants Layout $CAD358.00
JUMBO-TAPEBED JUMBO-TAPEBED - Jumbo Tape Kit For Raised Beds $CAD410.00
BossHog-2000 BossHog 2000 - 12 Bed Raised Bed Kit Using Drip Tape $CAD875.00
ROWKIT XL ROWKIT XL - Drip Irrigation Watering Kit For Row Crops XL $CAD234.50
ROWKIT XL FC ROWKIT XL FC - Drip Irrigation Watering Kit For Row Crops XL with Flow Control $CAD285.00
ROWKIT JUMBO with 3/4" HEADER Drip Irrigation Watering Kit For Row Crops JUMBO w/3/4" $CAD369.00
ROWKIT JUMBO 3/4" HEADER w/FC Drip Irrigation Watering Kit For Row Crops JUMBO w/3/4" with Flow Control Lines $CAD429.00
TECH-EZ-KIT-FC TECH-EZ-KIT-FC Techline EZ Kit with Flow Control $CAD385.00
TLEZ-26 KIT TLEZ-26 KIT - 6" Spacing .26 GPH Emitter Output $CAD428.50
TLEZ-42 KIT TLEZ-42 KIT - 6" Spacing .42 GPH Emitter Output $CAD510.00
TLDL9-250 KIT TLDL9-250 12" Spacing .9GPH Emitter Output $CAD450.00
TLDL9-500 KIT TLDL9-500 12" Spacing .9GPH Emitter Output $CAD552.50