Tutorial for Dripper Stake Assemblies for Hydroponic Greenhouse Irrigation
DRIPPER STAKE ASSEMBLIES FOR HYDROPONIC AND GREENHOUSE IRRIGATION Dripper Stake Assemblies from Netafim provide superior uniformity using low flowing (.5gph) drippers and minimize water run off often caused by using higher flow techniques. Dripper Assemblies are optimal for Hydroponic operations and growing operations for potted plants. WHY CHOOSE DRIPPER STAKES FOR YOUR GREENHOUSE OR HYDROPONIC IRRIGATION SYSTEM 1. Dripper Stake Assemblies offer cost savings derived from minimizing run off often associated with traditional watering methods. 2. Use of Barbed Arrow Stakes delivers water and nutrients directly to the root system making this one of the most efficient delivery methods for Hydroponic growing operations using substrates and soilless growing mediums. DRIPPER STAKE COMPONENTS AND OPTIONS
DESIGNING A DRIP SYSTEM USING DRIPPER STAKE ASSEMBLIES Sample Layout for a Drip System for Hydroponic and Potted Plant Watering Systems. Step 1. Select Size for Dripper Lines (tubing that runs perpendicular to the Distribution Line). This assumes the use of a .5gph emitter (standard with Pre-Assembled Dripper Stakes)
This calculation assumes the use of a 1/2 GPH Dripper. If you choose to use a dripper of higher output you would need to calculate the Drip Tubing size as the following sample illustrates: -1/2" tubing has a maximum flow rate of 300 GPH. If you are using a 2 gph emitter spaced at 6" the maximum run length would be as follows: 300 GPH / 2 GPH = 150 Emitter Maximum per run. If the spacing is every 6" the maximum run length would be 75 ft ( 150 Emitters / 2 Emitters per ft) -3/4" tubing has a maximum flow rate of approx. 500 GPH. If you are using a 2 gph emitter spaced at 6" the maximum run length would be as follows: 500 GPH / 2 GPH = 250 Emitter Maximum per run. If the spacing is every 6" the maximum run length would be 125 ft ( 250 Emitters / 2 Emitters per ft) Step 2. After calculating the number of plants to be watered, you can now calculate the flow rate required for the system. Keep in mind at this point that you can also use different zones for your system to bring down the required flow rate. The chart below shows the required flow per number of plants for any given zone. Flow Rate Per Zone (Gallons Per Minute). Assumes the use of .5 GPH Emitters
This is actually a simple calculation that you can do for any number of plants. -If you have 200 plants to water, using a .5 GPH Emitter you would need a minimum of 100 GPH (200 x .5 GPH). You therefore need 1.67 GPM (100 GPH / 60 Minutes) or 2 GPM rounded up. -If you have 200 plants to water, using a 1 GPH Emitter you would need a minimum of 200 GPH (200 x 1 GPH). You therefore need 3.33 GPM (200 GPH / 60 Minutes) or 4 GPM rounded up. It is always advisable to round up your water requirements to ensure adequate flow rate. Step 3. After calculating your flow rate needs for each zone or your entire system, you can now size your distribution and drip lines. Below is chart indicating approx. flow rates for distribution tubing. Remember you are restricted to the flow rate of your main supply line.
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