Soaker Hose Dripline (Emitter Tubing)

Dripline a.k.a. Soaker Hose or Drip Emitter Tubing can be used for both above surface and sub-surface applications. Although commonly installed with Irrigation Systems for Shrub Beds, and Vegetable Gardens, Dripline can also be effective for sub-surface watering of lawns.
Micro Drip Line (Non Pressure Compensating)
1/4" Soaker Hose Dripline comes with Non Pressure Compensating Emitters (Non PC Emitters) placed at 6" & 12" intervals and uses 1/4" barbed fittings. Non pressure compensating emitters output will vary with changes in elevation and pressure.
Netafim Techline Tubing (Pressure Compensating)
Techline EZ 12mm - Pressure Compensating Emitters and a simple installation method make the Techline EZ Dripline the consumer choice for DIY installations. Perfect for Shrub Beds, and Vegetable Garden Watering.
Techline TLDL 17mm - Pressure Compensating Emitters with for unparalleled performance. This is the choice for many professional contractors using Dripline and Soaker Hoses. 17mm Barbed Fittings are needed for this tubing size.
For installation examples, see our Netafim Techline Tutorial