Greenhouse Irrigation Water Source Connections

Water Source Connections For Greenhouse and Hydroponic Irrigation Systems
- Water source connections for Greenhouse Irrigation Systems typically includes an Irrigation Valve, Filter, and Pressure Regulator. The size of the Water Source Connection will largely be determined by the size of the Distribution or Mainline Irrigation Tubing used for the particlular Greenhouse or Hydroponic Watering System.
- You will also likely need or require a "back flow prevention device" which is commonly situated before any water source connections. This device prevents the reverse flow of water to prevent contamination from fertilizers etc.
There are two methods for installing a water source connection for a greenhouse watering system;
1. Hose Bib Connections for smaller operations. These connection fittings are designed for direct attachement to standard hose bibs/faucets commmon in most hoseholds.
2. Pipe Thread Connections. Pipe Thread Connections are commonly used with Irrigation Systems which are connected permanently to a water supply.
For convenience we have split the two connection fittings into two categories.