Drip Irrigation Watering Kit For Row Crops JUMBO w/3/4"
This Watering Kit contains all components to install a Drip Irrigation system for up to 1000 ft of row crops using Drip Tape. All Drip Tape rows are connected directly to the 3/4" Solid Drip Tube. Kit can be split up to incorporate up to 35 Rows 28 ft. long each. This Kit can also be modified to water vegetables in Raised Beds. This Kit is a perfect solution for vegetable garden enthusiasts and growers of organic gardens.
Automate Your System with a Digital Hose End Timer. Click Here For Kit Contents and Installation Illustration To order additional items in this kit or to obtain further information on any of the products click on the product image below. Included in the Kit*:
*See "Product Options" to Add-on Timers Click Here for Timer Details Add Flow Control to your zones by using an A2-VHF88 (not included with kit) For instruction for installation click here WINTERIZING: For instructions click here For more information on Drip Irrigation Design and Installation click here
NOT INCLUDED IN KIT (Additional Optional Products):