4 Zones with Raised Beds, Row Crops using Drip Tape and Perimeter Plants
This 4 zone plan has 8 raised beds, row crops, and cherry trees surrounding the perimeter of the property. This leaves one zone open for the homeowner to still attach a garden hose for manual watering.
Breakdown of the different zones: Our Drip Irrigation Kits for Raised Bed Gardening will supply you with complete solutions for all configurations of Raised Beds and Organic Vegetable Gardens. Raised Bed Kits are excellent for Cedar Box Planters. Raised Bed Gardens can be watered a variety of ways using any combinations of Drip Tape, Drip Emitter Tubing, and Emitters or Sprayers. See our Tutorial Section for sample layouts for Raised Beds. DripTape - For Seasonal Row Crops (Ex. Vegetables) Drip Irrigation using a Drip tape irrigation system is perfect for row crops and organic vegetable gardens. It is also the most economical method of watering these types of crops. Because drip tape is a thin walled tubing, this drip tape irrigation system is designed to operate at a much lower pressure and requires proper filtration. Drip tape irrigation fittings are used exclusively with drip tape and are designed to give you various connection options.
Netafim Techline for Perimeter Plants like Shrubs, Hedges, and Trees The sample layout below illustrates watering hedgelines or treelines using Netafim Techline tubing on both sides of the plants. Splitting the mainline into two separate techline tubing lines allows for the surrounding of the hedgeline with complete water coverage.