Precipitation Rate: 0.28 to 1.21 inches per hour (7 to 31 mm/h) Radius: 22 to 45 feet (6,7 to 13,7 m) Radius with Radius Reduction Screw: 18 feet (5,4 m) Pressure: 25 to 60 psi (1,7 to 4,1 Bars) Flow: 1.5 to 8.4 GPM (0,34 to 1,91 m3/h; 0,09 to 0,53 l/s) - Proven impact drive.
- Double-weighted arm for slower rotation and increased distance of throw.
- Straight-through flow for superior performance in dirty water.
- Adjustable arm spring for low-pressure and low-gallonage operation.
- Precision Jet tube (PJ™) minimizes side splash.
- FP trip permits full- or part-circle operation (20° to 340°).
- Powerful reverse action.
- ½" (15/21) male threaded inlet
- Three-year trade warranty.